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7 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Busting myths on calorie counting and deficits to help you optimize your metabolism with proven, effective, and healthy habits to adopt.

Drinking enough water is a key action you can take to boost your metabolism
7 Ways to Boost Metabolism

Calorie counting and extreme calorie deficit diets are good ways to tank your metabolism. The less your body has to do each day, the more it adapts and begins to work less. The overall mindset should be, "boost metabolism" - rather than - "eat less."

"I'm surprised by the fact that I don't find myself needing a snack between meals because of the protein I'm eating at breakfast and lunch! I also appreciate that I can focus on what I can eat (add to my plate) instead of always feeling restricted of what I can't eat."

Here are 7 ways to boost your metabolism:

1) Eat protein and good fat at every meal

The body processes protein and fat differently than it processes carbohydrates. Because of this, having these two as a "must-have" on your plate will help optimize your metabolism in the long run and won't lead to your energy levels spiking and crashing.

2) Lift weights 2-4x per week

Engaging your muscles a few times a week can really stimulate and promote a healthy metabolism. Lifting weights vs cardio is a great way to key into your body, tone-up, and maintain a healthy metabolism. I can teach you the best exercises that fit your unique body and comfort level.

3) Drink enough water every day

If you are reading this, go fill up a water bottle or glass and take a sip! No, seriously do it! Giving our bodies adequate hydration is often overlooked or under achieved. So challenge yourself to drink more water. If you want specific guidelines on how much water you should be taking in, let's chat!

4) Manage your stress on a daily basis

This could look like a daily meditation exercise, yoga routine, breathing exercises, gratitude practice, or even journaling - whatever helps you minimize stress for your life situation!

5) Sleep well, nightly

Might be easier said than done, especially if you have little ones around, but do the best you can to get a full nights rest. This is the body's time to build and repair physically and mentally, so do not overlook the power of getting some quality shut-eye!

6) More N.E.A.T. Activity - Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

Every little movement matters! If you find yourself in long stretches of sedentary positions, like sitting at a desk, laying on a couch, driving, etc., make sure to find ways to incorporate more subtle movement throughout your body. This could be as simple as taking a break from that position and getting up and walking around, or if you are truly stuck, like in the case of driving a car for a long period of time, try engaging your core, moving your arms, activating your legs, etc. You'd be surprised at how much this can help with overall blood flow and ultimately energy and metabolism.

7) Establish a weekly HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for EPOC (Excessive Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption) routine

Well that's a mouth full! High Intensity Interval Training involves a combination of intense training with fixed amount of rest in between. These are typically spurts of cardio or strength training workouts designed to push the body to intensity for a short period of time. EPOC comes into play when your body in a post workout state continues to consume oxygen at an accelerated rate, which in turn results in a long calorie burning period. The more intense your workout the greater your EPOC is and the more calories you continue to burn, hence optimizing your metabolism long-term. A steady state of exercise will contribute to some EPOC, but research has found that for greatest EPOC, HIIT exercise is best.

If you look past any of these and think, “Oh that’s easy.” Great! But are you actually doing it? Yesterday, today, tomorrow? Are you actually doing these things regularly? My Nutrition Program talks about stress and sleep more than food during the first session! That’s how important it is to have healthy habits.

If you’re someone who has yo-yo dieted many times in your life, these things might already resonate with you as to reasons why previous weight loss attempts didn’t work, or didn’t last. It’s not about will-power, it’s about doing things that make sense, biologically. Women have monthly cycles where our hormones fluctuate and how we eat and move has a direct effect on that, and vice versa.


Knowing that many factors affect metabolism is helpful! Aim to address all of these, adding new things over time to continue fighting against slowing metabolisms.

Need some guidance and accountability? I've got you! Get in touch and we can discuss your goals! Let's help you crush your metabolic hurdles and optimize your nutrition for a happier, healthier, more energized you!

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